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Tips for editing gaming videos like a pro

We live in a world where games are no longer considered nerdy or niche. Now, people enjoy video games and earn a good amount of money by uploading them to YouTube or other platforms. As much as people are interested in playing alone, many enjoy watching others play. Game videos have also become the most popular type of video on YouTube. With the video editors and the fantastic tools they provide, people can edit the game video first and then upload it to their channel. 

Poor settings can negatively impact game video

It is essential to remember that when games are run poorly on the system, they are likely to produce poor-quality videos. All the lights, textures, and graphics that usually look good will not be visible in the recording, which will undoubtedly annoy viewers. So, before recording your gaming video, ensure your laptop or PC is working correctly and can maintain a maximum resolution of 1080p. You will get a good quality video to make further editing in your video editor.

Color adjustment: saturation management

The video editor allows you to change the color and audio of your game video to make them look more fun and attractive to your audience. You can add some cool game effects with a good game video editor. You need to open the settings and set the brightness, contrast, and other color correction options. Be sure to tweak the saturation and brightness as well, as it can bring you finer details to improve the overall quality of the video.

Trim your game video

It’s not ideal to create long gameplay videos and upload them to your YouTube platform. Gamers often make very long videos which then develop problems loading due to the large file size. There is a way to post long videos by breaking them into sections. You will need a good game editor that can accept large file formats and easily upload your video file online. Splitting your video into sections will keep your viewers excited.

The video crop option is advantageous, and it will allow you to cut out the part you want to hide from your viewers. Cut out the best part and moves of your game and add a great transition to it; the video will grab viewers’ attention.

Effects and transitions

One of the most incredible things to do to video game files is adding effects and transitions. It is also helpful for gamers with long video files; they can add incredible effects and transitions to every segment of their videos. The online video editing tools have transition features and advanced filters that can add an eye-catching look to your video game recordings.

Adding audio

Watching game recordings with impressive sound is ten times better than watching a game video without any sound. It will undoubtedly annoy your viewers if you load your game with no audio. If you’ve invested in flawless background, effects, and transitions, why not turn your video into a burst of energy for your viewers by adding audio? You can also provide your commentary for the audio. To add audio to your game recording, you’ll need the help of game editing tools, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

If you intend to add your commentary to the game recording, make sure you use a quality microphone. If you use poor-quality headphones or a microphone, this also affects the quality of your video. Viewers appreciate videos with good sound. Before you start recording audio, make sure you have a quality microphone.


Once you are done recording the video with the help of a video editing tool, you can share it on various social media platforms. Before doing this, be sure to look at it again to check if the sound is good or not. It would be disastrous to load the video and observe that it went live without sound. So, be sure to check before uploading the final file.


If you are a beginner and still feel that you are not confident enough to go into editing game recordings, don’t worry. You can still edit a gameplay video like a pro with some handy tutorials. Using video editing tools isn’t as difficult as it sounds. You can find many videos uploaded to YouTube with detailed instructions on how to use the video editing tools. 

Add titles and subtitles

You can add titles and subtitles to your game video with the help of a game video editor. It’s one of the best ways to keep audiences from different countries hooked to your channel. Some gaming videos need narration; in these cases, adding subtitles would ensure your message reaches your viewers effortlessly.

Why is FlexClip the best video editor?

  • Among the plethora of video editing tools on the market, FlexClip stands out for its ability to create unique video content in under 10 minutes. 
  • This video editor includes thousands of easy-to-use templates that users can play with before selecting the best one for their video.
  • Editing with this editor is very simple, convenient, and fast.


If you are looking for an affordable and easy-to-use video game editor, we highly recommend the FlexClip editor. It can support a variety of files, from the smallest to the largest. It comes with ready-to-use templates and supports multiple file formats. You will have access to various effects, transitions, and audio sounds to transform your game recording. This video editing tool works smoothly across all platforms, so you’ll have a hassle-free journey.

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