
How to buy on Alibaba safely and cheaply?

Alibaba is a secure site where businesses source products in bulk to resell online or in a physical store. However, some buyers complain that they were scammed. To some extent, it is 100% true. You know why? It doesn’t matter if you are using Alibaba or Amazon, there are some risks involved.

The question is; How to buy products safely and cheaply on Alibaba.

It is not a problem at all. There are several steps to buying safely. For example:

  • Find Trade Assurance Providers with Trade Insurance
  • Discuss prices with the other vendors
  • Determine payment methods such as bank transfer.
  • Beware of counterfeit products

Risk of communication problems when contacting manufacturers around the world due to the language barrier

You can then get started by using the search bar to find the exact product you want to sell. Alibaba will provide you with similar product categories and manufacturers. You should request samples from more than one manufacturer in order to compare quality. You should always order samples before committing to a larger order. It can be frustrating to wait, but it will be worth it if it helps you find the right product and avoid failures. You must avoid fraudulent scams when buying from Alibaba and importing from China

How to arrange your shipment from Alibaba to Amazon FBA?

I think you are an Amazon FBA seller. I am right? Since Amazon FBA requires you to transport inventory to the Amazon FBA warehouse. So how will you do that? It seems troublesome, right? If true, no problem. There are several shipping methods to check:

  • Express Shipping
  • Air freight
  • Sea ​​cargo

Depending on your delivery time and shipping costs, choose any one of them to ship directly to the Amazon warehouse. Beginning sellers can usually go to a vendor to arrange shipping, as the first shipment will likely be small enough for air vs ocean shipping. Or you can find a freight forwarder to help you arrange ocean shipments, customs clearance, packaging, and more.

How to start selling on Amazon successfully?

Are you starting your journey as an Amazon seller? Excellent! Keep an eye out for the best seller position on Amazon. Remember, there is no need for a business license for your buy and sell business online. Here is a good strategy how you can achieve it.

1. Conduct product research

Product research is the first and crucial step. To search for products, you can try various product research tools such as AMZ scout and Helium 10.

2. List inventory

If you have found the right article and want to create custom products for your brand, nothing better than that. Open the central Amazon seller account. Have a proper plan and list the items. Do SEO, add high-quality images, and place videos of your private-label product with your own custom logo on product listings if possible. You can have multiple brands, depending on how many brands you want to launch.

3. Keep an eye on the price

Customers focus on the average price. If your product price is higher than others, you may not be able to sell more items than your competitors. So what is an action plan in that case? Nothing special. Check the price of products from other Amazon sellers and list competitive prices. To calculate your profit margin, you will need to subtract your costs from your selling price.

4. Do proper marketing

Marketing engages people and lets them know why they should prefer your article. It is the step where you need to make more followers and implement more fighting. You even have to try Amazon Sponsored Product Ads to get the results.

5. Boom!

Have you done everything? If so, nothing else is essential. All of the above steps will take you to the heights of success in no time.


Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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