
What not Do While Trying to Build a High CIBIL Score?

You must have heard about this millions of times that the CIBIL score, is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. It goes from 300 to 900, and you should always strive to get closer to 900. A higher CIBIL score will put you in a better position to secure a good interest rate on a loan or when applying for a credit card. The majority of lenders, including banks and non-banking financing firms (NBFCs), prefer to sanction loans or issue credit cards to those with a CIBIL score of 750 or higher. A poor CIBIL score, on the other hand, reduces your prospects of obtaining any form of credit. As a result, in order to keep your CIBIL score good, you must use your credit card properly. Your CIBIL score is made up of various components, and each of the aspects has a different weightage associated with it. Since each of the aspects can affect your CIBIL score, you must exercise caution and prevent a few blunders. Let’s take a look at some of the mistakes you shouldn’t do if you are trying to build your CIBIL Score. 

Failure to pay bills on time: Your payment history is the most essential aspect that has a significant impact on your CIBIL score. 35% of your CIBIL score is determined by your repayment history. As a result, it is critical that you pay all of your invoices or EMIs on time. Delays in paying invoices or late payments might lower your CIBIL score after you do check free CIBIL score. Set up reminders on your phone to ensure that your CIBIL score does not suffer because of one missed payment. Another option is to set up an auto-debit feature to pay your credit card bills on a regular basis. In this manner, you won’t miss any credit card bill payments, keeping your CIBIL score intact whenever you do SBI CIBIL score check

Maintaining a high credit utilization ratio: A credit utilization ratio is the percentage of your credit limit that you are using at any particular time. If you want to increase your CIBIL score, you should constantly keep your credit utilization ratio low. This basically indicates that you should not exceed your credit card limit and should minimize your usage or else you will see a drop in your score when you check free CIBIL score. According to several financial experts, individuals should only utilize 30% of their overall credit card limit. 30% of your CIBIL score is determined by your credit exposure. If you have a high credit use ratio, your credit score on SBI CIBIL score check will suffer as a result. Using your entire credit card limit shows that you are unable to pay your bills on time and are unable to manage your credit.

Obtaining various unsecured loans: It is critical to keep a balance in the types of loans that you obtain. As a result, it is recommended that you have both secured and unsecured loans, as this will improve your CIBIL score when you do SBI CIBIL score check. Multiple unsecured loans reduce your CIBIL score, however, credit choices such as home loans assist you raise your CIBIL score so that you can check free CIBIL score. Credit type accounts for 10% of your CIBIL score.

Making several credit inquiries: If you are new to credit cards, it is best to stick to one at a time. Having many credit cards might be confusing since you may lose track of your costs and it could affect your score whenever you check free CIBIL score. Furthermore, remembering the payment due dates of many credit cards becomes challenging. As a result, it is best not to do many credit queries at the same time, as multiple inquiries can lower your SBI CIBIL score check. It also gives the impression that you are credit-hungry. Credit inquiries make up 10% of your overall CIBIL score.

Having no or little credit history: A credit history enables lenders to evaluate how you have managed your credit over time. As a result, having a credit history is preferable. Your credit history accounts for 15% of your CIBIL score.

Not monitoring your CIBIL report: It is critical to do SBI CIBIL score check on a regular basis because it provides information about your current credit standing. In addition, inaccuracies in your CIBIL report can lower your CIBIL score. Your CIBIL report includes personal information as well as information on all of your credit. Any inaccuracy in your credit account or duplication of credit accounts might have a negative influence on your check free CIBIL score.

Closing old credit cards: Closing old credit cards may result in the loss of a long credit history. A long credit history is significant since it adds weight to your credit card or loan application and helps your score to go up and the same can be checked on check free CIBIL score. As a result, ensure you don’t cancel outdated credit cards or credit accounts for as long as feasible.

Be cautious of excessive credit:  It is usually a good idea to keep track of your spending habits. Spending more than you earn increases your need for credit. Borrowing money over an extended period of time due to excessive spending may result in a huge debt on you, which may lower your CIBIL ratings.

Be wary of joint accounts: It is preferable to avoid becoming a joint account holder or guarantor of another person’s loan. Any default on the loan will have a direct impact on the CIBIL score of the joint account holder. As a result, it is preferable to delegate such authority only to individuals with whom you have complete trust.

Paying the minimum due: Making regular bill payments is nice, but paying the minimum due is not. Remember that paying simply the minimum balance won’t take you very far because it will boost your overall credit use percentage.

Having good credit is essential, so avoid making these blunders that will damage your credit score. Simply focus on paying all of your payments on schedule and keeping your balances low. Also, don’t feel bad if you’ve already made any of the aforementioned errors. Move on after learning from your mistakes. 


Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.

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