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What Should You Do If Termites Are Discovered in Your Garden or Yard?

Have you ever met termites in your garden? If so, what should you do? There is a lack of preparation among most people for such an instance. Termites can cause significant damage in gardens, just like ants and aphids. Some termites can make a mess in your garden, and some may threaten wooden structures without protection from termites.

A termite infestation is rare in the early stages because they are naturally present in the soil. Instead, try Looking for La Jolla Termite And Pest Control as they have experience of many years in dealing with garden problems. An outdoor termite infestation problem arises after the termites multiply and grow fully.

Termites: What type of species are they? 

You’ll need to figure out what kind of pest the termites are to start. A termite check will give you an idea of the various solutions available for eliminating them. There are three different termites: ​

  • Subterranean termite: 

The most destructive of all. Typically, it grows under buildings, in a wood that has rotted, and in soft, damp soil.

  • Dampwood termites: 

Dead, moist wood is the perfect habitat for damp wood termites. Excessive moisture can cause wet wood inside a house, and removing the water source will eliminate the termites.

  • Drywood termites: 

Termites in this species live in small colonies and on wood or furniture. As dry-wood termites take their water from the wood they eat, they don’t require moisture to survive. But they can stay in humid areas. 

These steps will tell you if your garden has termites.

Inspect your garden for signs of termites.

They will destroy any wood in your garden and use it as a walking stone to enter your home if they find it. 

You must protect your garden from termites to avoid them entering your house.

However, how would you know if you are already facing an infestation?

Termites are sometimes found beneath the soil line or near tree roots. Note these three warning signs:

1. Inspect the Soil Line: 

It is common to find termites near tree roots. Dig in that area, and you’ll see if they are present under the soil line.

If you live in a cluster, you wouldn’t have a problem finding them.

2. Termite tubes:

There will be mud tubes on the tree’s bark when they make their home there.

Termites use these tubes to travel from one nest to another in search of food.

It is also their way of hiding their presence. Their goal is to avoid being hit by the sun.

These mud tubes are most likely to be built in gaps in trees. They look like brown tubes, and these tubes are visible because of their color and structure.

There were signs of termites after cutting down a tree.

3. Dying Trees: 

Termites in trees are one of the most significant signs your garden is under attack by termites.

As termites eat trees from within, they exhibit signs of distress.

Rotten branches that fall off or hollow sounds when tapped are good indicators.

The chances of termites invading your home are high if you find them in the garden. Try Looking for La Jolla Termite And Pest Control as they will solve your yard issues quickly.

Know about do not’s:

Avoid using insect spray:

Insect spray kills only some termites and is poisonous to plants. Insect spray might kill termites on the surface. But there are colonies of termites buried deep in the soil, so more will just come up.

Termites may migrate to another area from your home if you spray insect repellent on them. In that case, they might discover wooden building materials and eat them.

Avoid pine sleepers as a pest preventive:

Some people raise their gardens with pine sleepers treated with pesticide. Pine but is treated with highly toxic arsenic.

When you water your vegetables, pine chemicals will make their way into your food.

So, if the wood is on the ground and exposed to moisture, it will be an ideal breeding ground for termites.

Termite relocation is ineffective:

Another widespread mistake is moving the topsoil with the termites far from the property. You won’t cut all the termites this way because they burrow deep into the soil.

 Here are four easy steps you can take to get rid of termites:

Control moisture

Termites love damp spaces.

You must keep damp wood at least across your yard as a homeowner. Termites prefer moist regions.

The more moisture in an area, the more likely termites will become. Branches, logs, kid’s toys, and other backyard items can pose a threat. Put up a liquid termite barrier to create a barrier between your garden, your home, and the termites.

It is common to find these barriers at the base of most home foundations. But they are also helpful for woodpiles, stumps, and wooden structures. On contact, they also kill termites.

In the gutters of your house, termites often congregate. By diverting termites from the foundation, downspout extenders may damage your garden. 

Be on the lookout for pooling water in your yard and garden.

The nematode kills the worm.

Roundworms, known as nematodes, are natural killers of termites.

A nematode’s gut bacterium acts as a natural insecticide. Once the nematode enters the body of the termite, the process begins. The release of the bacteria poisons the termite’s blood and kills them.

Nematodes are easy to find and can live in a variety of habitats. They’re 100 percent natural, so they’re safe for humans, pets, or plants.

Upon introducing nematodes, the process will last a long time. Termites won’t kill them for weeks since they breed and multiply. Upon release, the process can take between 24 and 48 hours.

No matter what pests are infesting your home, nematodes can kill them.

The boric acid

Boric acid is a powder mixture that can get rid of insects.

Acid complicates the digestive and metabolic processes of termites. Termites exposed to acid will die.

Don’t worry if you don’t like insecticides. Boric acid is among the least toxic insecticides.

Termites are attracted to a simple concoction of boric acid powder, sugar, and water. When the acid is moved back into the colony, it will die.

When preparing a boric acid concoction, wear goggles and a dust mask. You can spray the boric acid powder anywhere you think there might be an infestation.

4)     Pest control performed on garden termites:


All else fails; get in touch by Looking for La Jolla Termite And Pest Control to tackle serious issues of your garden.

If you have a termite problem, finding and eliminating them with pest control is best. Chemicals and precautions are essential in destroying the nests.

Your home could be infested with termites if you do not treat them.

To sum up,

This blog describes termites, the sign of termites, and their solution quickly. If your garden still has termites try by Looking for La Jolla Termite And Pest Control to handle termites problems. I hope through this post you will come to know what you can do if you find termites in your garden!

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Dealing with a Termites Infestation then visit our Home Improvement category

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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